

Australian Council of Women Affairs (ACWA) Inc is a charitable, not-for-profit organisation operating as an incorporated association (Inc # INC3454138). ACWA is characterised by its honesty; empathy; sustainability and professional work ethic validated by sound governance and independent assurance.

The Executive Committee is governed by a Constitution and has in place a Committee Member Policy, a Code of Conduct and an Instrument of Delegations of Authority and Responsibility.

ACWA’s Executive Committee is continuously updated on all aspects of ACWA’s operations through policies and procedures and through a reporting mechanism that allows for prompt and accurate transmission of information to ensure that its strategic objectives are met.

ACWA has been working on projects that directly affect members of its community, sourcing its projects through gaps found in current government funded services to be able to fill the void and address unattended needs.

ACWA has worked with an array of community organisations, strengthening network ties to be able to build on its limited resources. These cross-sector collaborations have integrated beneficial skills from different arenas, strengthening ACWA’s capacity to provide useful services. ACWA’s capacity and skill building accomplishments has reinforced management’s leadership and put them on the path of materializing their vision with results that have gone beyond any expectations.

The potential of ACWA, as an organisation is realised through its people’s enthusiasm, resourcefulness and participation. People at all levels of the ACWA family are the essence of this organisation and their full involvement enables their abilities to be used for the organisation’s benefit.

ACWA’s leadership demonstrates strong, visible and sustained support for quality efforts. ACWA’s President and Vice President have established a unity of purpose and direction for the organisation, creating and maintaining an internal environment in which members can become fully involved in achieving ACWA’s objectives. Management’s firm commitment to quality plus dedication to time and available resources has led to tangible benefits to all the people we serve.


The Executive Committee is made up of seven voluntary members, including: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Public Officer and two additional members. These members bring to the board a diverse range of skills and represent direct stakeholders (Participants) and non-direct stakeholder (community).

The Executive Committee has a strategic role and makes major decisions on policy, long-term goals, legal matters and finance, maintaining the vision of providing a flexible service that enhances the opportunities of people with disabilities, enabling them have a varied and fulfilling life within the community.

Day to day decision making is delegated to the Management Team.


Authority for management is delegated by the Executive Committee to the Manager of My Home Disability Services who implements and reports on the Committee’s directives.


ACWA is accountable to its members, the people who access its services, families and carers, employees, donors and supporters. ACWA is accountable to various State and Federal agencies as it transitions to the NDIS. Interaction is compliant with the many pieces of State and Federal Legislation and Standards.

External independent assurance is obtained through Third Party Verification as well as periodic engagement surveys with stakeholders.

An independent external audit is conducted annually to ensure compliance with Australian Accounting Standards and the Corporations Act 2001.